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Last week we had the AGM here at the RSA. The projects team put on some seminars for the Fellows. I presented on the Social Brain. There were some great questions which really helped me to clarify how best to present the findings of the project's work.

Last week we had the AGM here at the RSA. The projects team put on some seminars for the Fellows. I presented on the Social Brain. There were some great questions which really helped me to clarify how best to present the findings of the project's work.

I also asked participants to answer some questions. I'll be posting more Fellows' responses (anonymously of course) shortly.

Below are responses to the question: The two most important things you know about your brain?

‘It’s malleable/flexible and is significantly shaped by experiences within first two years of life.’

 ‘The brain reasons with emotion.’

 'It has huge capacity that I don’t use.’

 ‘If it dies, I die.'

 ‘That it is extremely fragile.’

 ‘That it is wonderfully complex and intricate.’

 ‘The two hemispheres, left and right.’

 ‘Its importance in controlling all functions.’

 ‘Always active.’

 ‘Makes us human.’

 ‘I don’t know its full capabilities.’

 ‘It runs me.’

 'That large parts of it aren’t used (well, mine anyway).’

 ‘It responds to stimulation.’

 ‘It is the connections that create and enhance individuality.’

 ‘There is a larger gap between left and right hemispheres with male brain.’

 ‘It needs a lot of oxygen, therefore blood to work.’

 ‘It’s an organ and needs exercising.’

 ‘There’s a left and a right brain.’

 ‘It has a lot of spare capacity.’

 ‘I don’t know what I know.’

 ‘It’s in my head and I can tap into it at will.’

 ‘It works – randomly – methinks.’

 ‘It responds positively to love and nurturing.’

‘It is misunderstood – lack of knowledge about its function and capacity.’

 ‘It’s free and infinite.’

 ‘It’s the source of communication.’

 ‘Left and right side.’

 ‘Needs exercise!’

 ‘It’s an enigma.’

 ‘Evolving continually based on experience, learning and age.’

 ‘The opportunity exists to rewire/grow and adapt.’

 '2% body mass but uses 20% of energy!’

 ‘I know there is a lot about my brain that I don’t know about – it surprises me.’

 ‘I’ve learned to trust my intuition – it is usually right even if I don’t know how or why.’

 ‘It’s much more complicated than I am capable of understanding.’

 'But some of it still thinks like a lizard.’

 ‘Combination of linear knowledge and intuition.’

 ‘Most powerful in terms of problem solving and concepts.’

 ‘It keeps the body going automatically.’

 ‘It forgets more than it learns.’

 ‘My brain can change in response to the environment I’m in.’

 ‘Using my brain is good for it.’

 ‘It’s mine, it’s fragile, it controls lots of things.’

 ‘It’s complex.’

 ‘It’s resilient.’

 ‘It needs to learn.’

 ‘The subconscious resources are necessary and need to be trusted.’

 'It’s working (I think).’

 ‘It needs food and water (stimulation) but is losing its nerve (cells).’


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