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Here at the RSA and across the 101 countries where we have Fellows there is always something interesting going on...

The polls have closed, the votes have been counted and the results are out: 35 Fellows have been elected to the Fellowship Council (with a further five to follow through co-option). You can see the full results on the RSA Governance pages - and we're slowly introducing the incoming leaders to the workings of the RSA so they're fully equipped to lead from the front, whether as one of our 14 Regional / National Chairs and Fellowship Councillors or in one of the seven At-Large roles.

Two data points standing out:

  • Scotland had the strongest turnout in their Chair and Fellowship Councillor election

  • The person receiving the most votes from across the full Fellowship this time around was Dr. Kathy Seddon, now incoming At-Large Fellowship Councillor from Wales.

You'll hear more about and from incoming leaders on this blog in the weeks and months to come, so stay tuned. If you haven't already, be sure to check out the Fellowship Council 2012 Impact Report.

The seed-bed: a selection of lectures, events and networks leading to new connections and collaborations

The following are just a few of the events that took place in the last two weeks and are coming up in the next two - to see the full list of what's just passed and, crucially, what is coming up in London, around the country and around the world, check out the Google Calendar on the where you are pages on our website.

A number of Regions & Nations are getting together for their annual meetings - and Alice Dyke and I made the journey to Winchester this past Saturday to hear what Fellows across South Central had on their mind and how the RSA and its Fellows might help. Discussions ranged from young enterprise (of the legal and illegal kind - and how to encourage/discourage) to manufacturing. Incoming Regional Chair, Tony Hoskins, talked from the floor about the Thames Valley initiative Angel's Attic. This was a stimulating event and it looks as though there are a series of efforts coming up in the region to help progress discussions, and perhaps even generate a Catalyst application or two. Talking of the latter: somewhat serendipitously, I then ran into the awesome RSA Social Enterprise Spotlighter and Catalyst Winner Becky John FRSA who was out walking the talk, showcasing the work of Who Made Your Pants at the Winchester Science Festival. She's always an inspiring encounter.

Coming up!

  • Catalyst workshop in Cardiff + Leeds: get in touch with Alex Watson if you want to know more

Late July and most of August are usually quiet on the RSA Lecture front here at John Adam Street as people flock away from the city, or as is the case this year, are distracted by the Greatest Show on Earth, aka the 2012 Olympics.

Here's one you can follow from your balcony, wherever you are in the world, when it is broadcast by the BBC World Service on the 29th of July: The Forum Big Five, an exciting new series from the World Service, where former President of Ireland Mary Robinson will present an event focusing on inequality: with Professor Sir John Sulston,Tahmima Anam and Professor Lawrence Goldman. [Get how and when to listen advice from the Beeb here].

Grab your wellies and pack-a-macs and join us in a tent near you!

Heading into the field, the RSA returns to Camp Bestival at Lulworth Castle in Dorset this year with another bunch of bright thinkers and big ideas. So, as the events team suggests: grab your wellies and pack-a-macs and join us in a tent near you! Speakers to include: Camila Batmandjelih, Jules Evans and Eliane Glaser. 

...and if you're going for a long walk, or just planning on some quality time on a beach, don't forget that you can listen on the go using the RSA mobile app - or get the latest RSA Audio by subscribing to iTunes | RSS | Mixcloud

Got your own pictures from RSA events, lectures and other undertakings to share?

Share pictures from RSA public lectures, Fellowship events and other undertakings by adding them to our growing group on Flickr or by adding #TheRSA to your Twitter / Instagram / other social posts.

Here's a handy guide if you'd like to get started with Flickr.

Last but not least, the latest on the Fellowship blog in case you missed it earlier: 

Useful roundup of #thersa activity from @michaelambjorn  Just the sort of curation and updating we needThat's it for this round - check back in two weeks for more - it seems to be fitting the bill for some so far (thanks @davidwilcox).

Help spread the word by sharing with your favourite Fellows across your network.

Michael Ambjorn is Head of Fellowship – Follow @michaelambjorn


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