If Marx Had the Internet


  • Community engagement
  • Fellowship

This is a guest post from the Library Team.

American business writer Tom Peters once said that ‘almost all quality improvement comes via simplification of design, manufacturing... layout, processes, and procedures.’ Bearing this in mind, and much like my flat before my mum visits, the RSA Library website pages have recently undergone a good clean and tidy. They’re now better designed, clearer, easier to navigate and much less likely to be the subject of motherly disappointment.

Gone are the days when a Fellow would have to send a letter to enquire about the library opening hours, as former Fellow Karl Marx once did. All of the information you could hope for is available at the click of a button – Communism might have been very different if Marx had had the internet!

If you haven’t visited the RSA Library before, or even if you have, you’ll find a wealth of information compiled on the new pages, from opening hours and contact details to information about how to borrow or return books by post if you can’t easily reach the House.

You’ll also find a complete list of all of the journals that we carry, and a description of each. From the New Yorker to the New Statesman and New Internationalist, and plenty of magazines that don’t begin with the word ‘New’, all of our journals are relevant to the work and aims of the RSA in some way and we aim to provide a broad spread of opinions and points of view.

If you want to see if we have a book you’d like to read, or whether a book is currently available to loan; if you’d like to see if we have any titles by a particular author; or if you can’t make it to the Library in person and want to have an electronic browse, the Library web pages also link directly to the Library catalogue.

So, as Tom Peters and Karl Marx both famously didn’t say - head over to the RSA Library web pages and see what we have to offer!

The library is one of many resources available to Fellows. Check out some more on our Fellowship Resources Page.


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