Social change through Fellowship: Four ways to engage

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  • Community engagement
  • Fellowship

Most of the RSA’s work can be traced back one basic thought: that the best way to change society for the better is to help people change it for themselves. That’s why so much of our work is about how people can understand their own behaviour, see how they relate to others, and develop the skills and capabilities they need to make the best use of that knowledge.

Our Fellowship is a fantastic example of how this works out in practice. Our Fellows are brimming with ideas to change their communities, public services and business for the better – you only have to look at some of the Big Ideas we’ve featured recently to see what can be achieved.

We continually obsess about how we can support Fellows in taking those ideas forward – it is our very purpose. As part of this, we work hand in hand with the Fellowship Council to look at everything that’s going on in the RSA Fellowship, to ensure good practice is identified, shared and amplified. Over the last couple of years we’ve been doing this we’ve distilled all that activity into four basic ways that RSA Fellows are turning their ideas into practical action - which you can see in this poster:

Social change through Fellowship: Four ways to engage

We’ve found that people inspire people more than projects alone – and that helping people share ideas they’re passionate about makes all the difference. Setting out simple ways that RSA Fellows can do this is one example of how we’re delivering against what was identified in the most recent Fellowship survey as a key priority. Our Trustee Board want to create clearer paths for people to engage with the RSA’s work, and this is another step in that direction. Big thanks to Sam Thomas who’s led on the crisp articulation of our answer to this challenge.

Fellows are brimming with ideas to change their communities, public services and business for the better – you only have to look at some of the Big Ideas we’ve featured recently to see what can be achieved.

If you’re an RSA Fellow working with others locally, you can download a PDF of the poster. You’ll also see it links to a new webpage that provides advice and tools – produced by Fellows and RSA staff – that will get you started. We’d like to recognise those who help spread the word about this to other Fellows, so please use #FRSA if you tweet/blog about it so we can easily find it.

Also, we hope that our approach will be useful and interesting to people who haven’t been part of the RSA’s 259 year journey to build a better world – but share this ambition and pursue it in other ways. Look out for more to come, let us know what you think, and if you want to join us learn more here.

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  • Hi Isabella, 

    The link is broken because it went to a page on our old website. The 4 ways to engage framework was something that we used to use to describe how to engage with the RSA. all the aspects of 4 ways to engage, largely still exist and have been improved upon since 2013, we just don't promote it in this way anymore. The main tenets are: 

    1. Meet other Fellows -  attend an event in your area

    2. Connect online (use our LinkedIn group, which I have seen you are already doing), and the Find a Fellow feature to find other Fellows who share your interests There is potential for certain networks to gain their own sub groups on LinkedIn group, and potentially a page on the website, but it depends on the momentum of the network. 

    3. Share your skills - this used to be something called the skills bank, which we no longer have because Fellow are now able to tag their skills on their online profiles so you can use the Find a Fellow tool to search for a particular skill, using the drop down menu. Staff aid Fellows to find particular skills within the Fellowship so keeping you profile up to date is important as this is the first place they'll go. Our project engagement team also use it as a way of finding Fellows to become engaged in some of our research.You'll notice if you attend any of the Engage events too, that there is always 6 or 7 Fellows pitching a project on the night too, and they'll always do a shout out for skills. 

    4. Grow your idea - this refers to the project support we offer through the Catalyst fund and crowdfunding, more info here:

    Hope this is helpful - if you have any other questions, feel free to contact me - [email protected] 

  • I'm interested in learning more about 'Four Ways to Engage' but the link is either broken or removed. Please help.

    I got this message: '


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