The fortnight in Fellowship: Raspberry Pi; Whitley Arts; Stephen Fry; Good People...


  • Social enterprise
  • Fellowship

Here at the RSA and across the 101 countries where we have Fellows there is always something interesting going on…

The seed-bed for ideas: a selection of lectures, events and networks leading to new connections and collaborations

The following are just a few of the events coming up in the next couple of weeks – to see the full list check out the Google Calendar on the where you are pages on our website (where you can also find more details + add the events to your own calendar). You can also stay tuned via @RSAevents for the lectures at John Adam Street and #FRSA for events in the field.

...and here are a couple of recent worthwhile blog posts you may have missed:

Fellows in action

RSA Catalyst keeps going from strength to strength - and I thought I'd just briefly update on a couple of Fellow-led ventures that seem to be doing exceedingly well:

The National Funding Scheme - aka - #don8to, launched with an incredible buzz at the South Bank Centre and you can find a few pictures from it on the RSA Flickr group (and add your own if you were there). Then there was of course also this tweet which undoubtedly helped the news reach far and wide:

— Stephen Fry (@stephenfry) March 27, 2013

When GoodPeople launched just over a month ago they set themselves a target of 500 opportunities posted by the end of April. Right now, they are closing in on 300 opportunities - so there's not far to go. The team out of Wales Cymru is running an pilot to see how this tool might be used by RSA Regions & Nations to accelerate skills sharing - meanwhile, why not dip in and try yourself:

...and you can of course also help by simply spreading the word.

Michael Ambjorn is Head of Fellowship – Follow @michaelambjorn

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