The Big Idea: Is this the age of no retirement?


  • Social enterprise
  • Crowdfunding
  • Fellowship

This is a guest blog from Jonathan Collie FRSA who recently set up Trading Times to remodel our opportunities for retirement in the 21st century. Find out about his latest project 'The Age of the No Retirement', which is looking for crowdfunding support to make it a reality.

Living longer presents opportunities for all of us - the young as well as the old - for employers, for designers, for innovators. I want to get rid of unhelpful stereotypes, change the language and replace the iconography that incorrectly portray a society that is living longer as one that is old. This issue affects us all. Everyone should be involved, from every sector of society, beyond the typical policy makers, academics and the age-sector organisations.

‘The Age of No Retirement?’ is Britain’s first ever national conference to debate & revalue our opportunities in retirement. Gathering experts, policy makers, key stakeholders and the public we will explore retirement and the opportunities we can provide in an ageing, technological and engaged society.

Our conference is supported by the Department for Work and Pensions, numerous ‘ageing-positive’ organisations and multinational corporations but needs the public’s support if we are to reach our final £35000 crowdfunding target and launch at the Oxo Tower in October.

‘The Age of No Retirement?’ is Britain’s first ever national conference to debate & revalue our opportunities in retirement.

In January this year I launched Trading Times – the UK’s first online skills connector for over 50s that matches experience, capabilities and availability with the flexible resource requirements of local employers, for the purposes of paid work. The service is growing rapidly, with more than 250 candidates and 30 employers joining every month. Working closely with our two principal funders, Nominet Trust and UnLtd, I intend to change the way the 2.5 million small and medium sized businesses in the UK connect with and hire the flexible, affordable and experienced resources they need to thrive.

‘The Age of No Retirement?’ is attracting real attention, but we have loads more to do and achieve before the 6-day event begins in 10 weeks’ time. One of the most exciting opportunities presented by ‘The Age of No Retirement?’ has been to work with the RSA’s Catalyst team to crowdfund the money needed to put on such as ambitious and resonant project. On Monday 7 July we launched our campaign on Kickstarter to raise £35,000 in 35 days!

Trading Times Methuselah single
Illustration by Kipper Williams, Guardian Cartoonist


How you can help

We had a fantastic first week with support predominantly from our personal networks and key stakeholder organisations. Now we need to reach the people for whom ‘The Age of No retirement?’ is intended – you, everyone! Please support the campaign, and help make ‘The Age of No Retirement?’ a reality. Please also spread the word on Twitter and Facebook – we need to get trending and make this debate happen. All funds raised will go towards achieving the greatest impact possible.

Besides supporting the campaign and social media support, please contact me if you’d like to participate in the event, or if you know someone who we absolutely must invite. Also, if you’d like to volunteer to help us deliver the event, please get in touch.

We must break new ground. We must imagine new futures. It is important for us all that we see the hidden value in the age of no retirement.

Dr Jonathan Collie FRSA

Founder Trading Times and host of ‘The Age of No Retirement?’

Help this project, visit and pledge at the RSA crowdfunding page

  • Contact Jonathan by phone: 07887 624385

To get help from RSA Catalyst for your social venture through grants, expertise and crowdfunding visit our Catalyst webpage.

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