Creativity in public services

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  • Creativity
  • Fellowship

This is a guest blog from London-based RSA Fellow Steven Trevillion. Steve is interested in connecting with like-minded Fellows with a view to establishing a framework for small, experimental social and community projects that could feed into the national debate about 'welfare reform'. He is an Emeritus Professor of Social Work at the University of East London and a visual artist.

We are constantly told that public services are in a state of crisis. The NHS, social work, Children’s Services, Adult Social Care, housing and even education are deemed by most observers to be in a state of more or less permanent crisis.

The search is on not just for ways of improving existing services but for ways of transforming them. George Osborne, Eric Pickles and a number of other government ministers have made it clear that nothing less than "transformation" is their goal. And this is not just the usual stuff about partnerships and collaboration. The big idea is that public services will become innovation hotspots. And a commitment to innovation means a commitment to creativity. Our own RSA has been at the forefront in recognising this as witnessed by the title of this year’s talk by Matthew Taylor: ‘The Power to Create’. This all sounds great. Who could possibly object to creativity as the way forward for public services? Unfortunately, the evidence suggests quite a lot of people. 

Who could possibly object to creativity as the way forward for public services?

We need to recognise that creativity creates problems for almost everyone with a vested interest in public services. Rather like ‘Love’ or ‘Goodness’ it is fine in principle but deeply unsettling in practice. For national and local politicians, creativity represents a challenge to accountability and their ability to set agendas and define targets; for managers it upsets power relations because creative workers will not operate according to agreed procedures; and for private sector suppliers it represents a threat to the existence of the large contracts for standardised services which are often seen by them as vital to their commercial viability. People who use services may not embrace creativity either, especially if it means they cannot be sure what kind of service will be offered to them. As for individual professionals, the demand for creativity in a context of scarce resources and on-going ‘austerity’ can be immensely stressful and potentially demoralising. So we should not be surprised if creative practices are thin on the ground.

But all is not lost. Many of the problems we have with creativity in public services are the result of a misunderstanding about what it is. It is not just a new solution to an existing problem. Creativity involves questioning assumptions and a willingness to look at things in a new kind of way. Failure to take this on board lies behind some of the problems people have with creativity. But my own experiences as a retired social work researcher and teacher now involved in the visual arts have shown me that there is also an even deeper problem. Creativity is a social process. It is not just a product of talented individuals. Artists connect with each other and with their audiences through a shared commitment to the possibility of creating something new and exciting. Without this social glue individual inspiration would not be enough.

Creativity works because all those involved feel that they are playing a part in the event. If we translate this into the sphere of social policy it is clear what we are missing in the current discourse about creativity. We do not have an equivalent to the artistic community and the wider community of art lovers.

In the absence of this kind of social rootedness, it is easy to see creativity as a problem rather than a solution. The long list of those who are sceptical about the potential of creativity in public services will not get any shorter until we start to address the need for an equivalent to the creative community in social policy. I would not pretend to have all the answers, but I do know that we don’t need a re-organisation or a new organisation or a new profession or even a new paradigm. 

We need to focus our energies on rebuilding relationships at a local level

If ‘transformation’ is ever going to be anything other than a political ‘soundbite’ we need to focus our energies on rebuilding relationships at a local level, so that creativity becomes part of the warp and weft of everyday life.

Steve is interested in taking this conversation further with other Fellows. If you'd like to be involved then please email Becca Massey-Chase, London Regional Programme Manager.

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  • Thanks for a great post Steven, it mirrors well my own thinking about the situation. I too believe part of the solution is through making creative thinking more accepted throughout society.

    The situation you describe is not unique to UK, it is similar all over the world. 2001-04 I lived and worked in London, where in 2003 I had a big burnout and depressions. The toughest part was how hard it was to get help from the NHS. Then I moved to Spain and there experience the first years of its economic collapse, until I returned to my native country Sweden in November 2011. Thus, I have some own experience to compare with.

    "For national and local politicians, creativity represents a challenge to accountability and their ability to set agendas and define targets; for managers it upsets power relations [...] and for private sector suppliers it represents a threat to the existence of the large contracts for standardised services"

    I think therein we have several interesting clues to how we got to where we are today. We should probably also add news media into the mix, they have quite a big responsibility about this too.

    Of those in power, both public and private, many are still very much stuck with old strategies and agendas. To give a reference - Just think back 7 years to when the first iPhone was released. That's a hockey stick,, moment that accelerated the usability of the internet. It has been a remarkable development since, while in most countries just one or two general elections have taken place.

    When I was in school 30+ years ago the same trade/profession was still inherited generation after generation. Today, when kids start school, it practically impossible to predict what professions will be available when they graduate 10-15 years later.

    But it isn't with the younger generations the education problem exists. No, it is the older ones who need it the most! We need to realize learning is no longer isolated to the school years. Today we need to make learning a natural part of our everyday life. With the access to free online learning we already have, it is easy, quick and now also collaborative and fun. I personally use online learning as a smorgasbord that I constantly nibble on as and when I need, or just have a moment over.

    Technology has given us a global communication network where we instantly can reach almost anywhere in the world. That has also made today's problems more visible, which easily can be confused with *more*, than ever before. Who could envision this development just 10-15 years ago? Therefore we need a much more integrated, dynamic and continuously improving society - One with more focused on the local needs and resources.

    Luckily all is not lost, I got to this page via, a tweet from @MarkHallRSA who I am following since a few of weeks. That's how things work today, people from all over the world connect, talk and bounce ideas back and forth openly with each other.

    We do it without even thinking about old guarded borders separating us, or expecting anything in return. We are just happy to connect and help if possible. That is also a form of learning, as well as great for inspiration and many other positive aspects of life.

    Creativity is not coming, it is already here growing rapidly from the ground up!

  • In my area - careers guidance, central government has tried to withdraw, especially in schools. Many providers of career guidance are now in the free market. With no support for Careers Advisers and the issue of "how do they know what they know" I have founded Central London Careers Hub to help us keep our knowledge levels up-to-date. What has been heart warming is the support I'm getting from my fellow Careers Advisers. If you want a project based on relationships at a local level this is it.
    We go live Mid-September.

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