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Reema Patel

Reema Patel

associate director, Ada Lovelace Institute

Reema is an Associate Director at the Ada Lovelace Institute and has worked for the organisation from its establishment as part of its founding team. She leads the organisation’s public attitudes and public deliberation research, and its broader engagement work on justice and equalities, particularly health and social inequalities, seeking to inform the Institute’s overall agenda to convene diverse voices.

Reema has just over a decade’s experience in public policy and has advised a range of organisations on their approaches to public engagement, particularly as they relate to understanding lived experience and impacts on underrepresented communities. These include the Bank of England, the Nuffield Foundation, the Wellcome TrustUnderstanding Patient Data and the Scottish Government. She is on Engage Britain’s policymaker advisory network, the OECD’s Innovative Citizen Participation network and the Scottish Government’s COVID-19 response public engagement expert working group.

Twitter: @Reema__Patel