Sue Husband
Director, Apprenticeships & Delivery Service, Skills Funding Agency
Sue Husband is the Director of the National Apprenticeship Service at the Skills Funding Agency (SFA), an executive agency of the Department of Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS). The SFA is responsible for just under £4 billion of funding each year, supporting skills training through contracts with employers, over 1,000 colleges and private training organisations in England. Sue is responsible for the two customer facing services of the SFA – the National Apprenticeship Service (NAS) and the National Careers Service. NAS supports the delivery of apprenticeships and traineeships in England, offering free impartial advice and support to employers looking to recruit for the first time or expand their programme. This includes simplifying the process of recruiting an apprentice or trainee through the support of employer focused teams and the Find an apprenticeship and Find a traineeship recruitment sites on GOV.UK where employers can advertise their vacancies and potential apprentices or trainees can apply. Sue’s role includes: the promotion of apprenticeships; the provision of a responsive, high-quality service to employers; working with partners to improve the design and delivery of high-quality apprenticeships and promoting and supporting traineeships as part of the apprenticeship family. Sue also has responsibility for the National Careers Service, which provides impartial careers information and advice and guidance to adults and young people to support their decision- making about learning and work. Sue’s role includes: ensuring the National Careers Service provides high-quality information, and independent, professional advice and guidance for those who need it most. This is done whilst ensuring people are inspired and motivated to reach their full potential, to make learning and career choices which are well-informed, through the supply of further education, work-based training and higher education which reflects individual, employer and labour market demand. The National Careers Service work with employers, schools, colleges, charities and social enterprise to ensure that people not only access and understand the information that is available, but are also inspired by the opportunities available to them locally.