Bob Emploi
An open source application that uses AI to give jobseekers personalized, data-driven advice and coaching
Millions of jobseekers are hampered in by lack of access to labour market information and personalised job search guidance. This slows down their job recovery process, damages self-confidence, and decreases their chances of finding the right job for their skills. As the labour market goes through transformation driven by technological change, the traditional approach of in-person counselling will be too challenging and costly to scale.
Bob leverages artificial intelligence in the social sector, where it has seldom been used before, to empower job seekers at scale. It draws on Government employment data to offer free tailored support to millions of individuals who are, or will be, at risk of unemployment and underemployment.
Current and Future Impact
Since launching in October 2016, Bob has provided coaching to more than 150,000 jobseekers. 89% of users say they find the advice useful or very useful, and 43% of successful jobseekers consider Bob crucial to finding their job. Bob is now looking to scale and deploy their solution in other countries, with the goal to help 1.5 million people within five years.

Region: Europe [Map]
Theme(s): Tech for Good / Skills and Training / Diversity and Inclusion