A new organisational form and governance model for freelancers and entrepreneurs who want to change the world.
Freelancers and entrepreneurs who want to work to increase ecological and social well-being often battle against isolating working conditions and financial precariousness. Enspiral is a new organisational form and governance model designed to unite mission-driven freelancers, with tools and practices designed to foster collaboration, enabling trust and respect to share money, information and control as openly as possible.
Current and Future Impact
Enspiral has helped to launch and grow dozens of ventures including: Loomio, a collaborative governance and decision-making tool used by hundreds and thousands of people; New Zealand’s largest platform for people powered policy advocacy and political change; and New Zealand’s first fully accredited code school. Developing and publishing their work and practices as an open source handbook is allowing self-governing collectives around the world to develop, grow and support each other.

Region: East Asia & Pacific [Map]
Theme(s): Organisational form / Worker voice
Website: www.enspiral.com