A mobile-only recruitment platform for medium-skilled workers in South Africa
Medium-skilled jobseekers in emerging markets have limited access opportunities because they often live in remote areas without access to the internet. They rely on word of mouth to find jobs, take whatever work they can get and often remain unemployed or underemployed for long periods of time.
Giraffe is a mobile-only, fully automated recruitment platform that caters for the specific needs of medium-skilled workers (those that earn between $200 and $1000 per month). Jobseekers create a CV on their phone in less than 10 mins, and the fully-automated sourcing, screening and contacting process offers recruiters options within 48 hours.
Current and Future Impact
Within 3 years of launch, Giraffe reached 700,000 people and invited 250,000 to interview. Giraffe’s vision is to be the largest platform for medium-skilled workers in the world, with the strategy to scale from South Africa to other major emerging markets with large, medium-skilled workforces.