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LRNG: The Future of Work x Learning - RSA

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LRNG: The Future of Work x Learning

An innovative platform that provides youth from underserved communities with inspiration and guidance to prepare them for life and work in the modern economy


Early employment is key to advancing equity. The negative social impacts of unemployment are playing out in cities across the US and low-income and communities of colour are particularly impacted. At the same time, employers are struggling to fill open positions and find candidates with the skills needed to succeed in the 21st century.

LRNG works with partners to create personalized learning playlists that equip youth with tangible skills that can be applied in academic and career settings. LRNG uses open badges to recognize when youth complete a playlist which can then be used to unlock opportunities like micro-scholarships and internships.


Current and Future Impact

Since 2015, more than 45,000 young people and 550 organisations have used LRNG. In total, more than 133,000 playlists have been completed and more than 23,000 digital badges earned. Summer youth employment programs in 15 different US cities utilise the platform. For example, in Chicago, LRNG and local partners piloted the platform in 2016 as part of the nation's second-largest summer youth-employment program with more than 32,000 participants aged 14-24 years.


Region: North America [Map]

Theme(s):  Skills and Training
