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Workit - RSA

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A digital platform that helps people working in hourly jobs get answers to questions about workplace policies and rights from trusted peer advisors


Low wages, involuntary part-time hours, and erratic schedules cause tremendous economic insecurity for workers, who often lack the tools and information they need to protect themselves and exert control over their daily lives.

Originating from campaign group OUR Walmart, WorkIt provides immediate support to people working in low-wage industries who are struggling to assert their rights at work and navigate complex corporate policies. Queries are routed using machine learning and AI to augment the expertise of trained peer advisors, allowing for information to be distributed instantly and at scale directly to people’s mobile device.


Current and Future Impact

Attracting 15,000 users in its first year, WorkIt became a key organizing tool during a campaign that led to a change in corporate policy which now provides paid family leave for over 500,000 women working at Walmart. Since then it has broadened its reach to support workers in other sectors, including cleaners and teachers, through partnerships with trade unions across the US.


Region: North America [Map]

Theme(s): Worker voice
