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The aim of this project is to explore how participatory methods for citizen engagement can be used to further inclusive growth in cities.

As part of this project, there will be ten case studies locally and internationally, spanning the UK, Europe, the US and Brazil. These case studies will help us better understand efforts at engaging citizens to achieve inclusive growth, or essentially, what works and what doesn’t. Based on these case studies, a literature review, interviews with key stakeholders, and stories from citizens on their experiences of co-production, deliberative methods, and other participatory methods trialled by cities, we will be running workshops in four UK cities to share our findings, contextualise learning, and co-develop tailored approaches to engaging citizens for each city-region.

Throughout this process, we’re taking a ‘digital-first’ approach, meaning that we are sharing our progress online as we go. We are primarily doing this through our RSA Medium page, where we are blogging alongside other stakeholders, posting updates, and inviting comments, feedback, and citizens’ stories. Feel free to engage us directly through the comments section on Medium, or to email us at [email protected].

We are particularly excited that this project provides us with an opportunity to build on and bridge the work of two flagship projects – the RSA’s Citizens’ Economic Council and Inclusive Growth Commission.

“The concept of ‘Inclusive Growth’ will ultimately be meaningless without efforts to include the public in a dialogue about how to capture the benefits of economic growth in our cities. This project zeroes in on this inclusion and looks at innovative and effective ways to engage people in the design of inclusive growth strategies in the places they live in.” 


Rowan Conway, RSA Director of Innovation and Improvement