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We have several tools to equip you to explore what the economy means to you and to enhance your knowledge of the economy as well as within the groups you are involved with. 

Citizens' Economic Council sessions:

Day 1: Society, economy and markets

Facilitation Plan: A day's event exploring which values should be at the heart of the UK economy. 

Presentation: Includes an overview and timeline of the Citizens' Economic Council.

Day 2: Institutions

Facilitation: A day's event exploring the different roles we play in the economy and a discussion of what the economy looks like.

Presentation: Including a detailed map of all the components of the economy

Day 3: Work

Facilitation Plan: A day's event exploring the sectors food and agriculture, health and transport.

Presentation: Includes an analysis of our carbon footprint.

Day 4: Choices about the economy

Facilitation Plan: A day's event where participants created a citizens' charter.

Presentation: Includes a discussion of what good work is.

Day 5: The Economic Summit

Facilitation plan: A good resource on how to pull together two groups who have conducted similar such sessions on the economy. 

Presentation: A reflection on what's next after the Citizens' Economic Council sessions. 

Decision-making maps: of some of the main stakeholders and their trade-offs in the economy. 

Use our toolkit

In partnership with Economy, we have published a toolkit promoting economics for everyone.

‘Discovering the economy around you’ supports citizens to identify features of their lives within the economy, to understand more about economics and economic language, as well as to take action and to empower themselves to change the economy. 

Download our toolkit and start using it in a classroom, with a group of friends, at a family gathering, over a coffee or at a pub session – anywhere you like!

Please complete the form below to download 'Discovering the economy around you':

A four minute video on history of money by young people.

Open Economy's sixty second adventures in economics

Open University - how governments tried to save the banks

Banking 101: How is money really made by banks?