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Productivity in the North

Following the publication of the Market Towns Initiative (MTI) report in March 2016, RSA North Fellowship Councillors embarked upon three follow-up projects.

One of the projects was to explore how productivity could be improved and whether there was a human level to explore in addition to improving infrastructure and devolution of power.

As co-author of the MTI report, I was asked to do some research to find examples of best practice in the world and see whether there were any common themes that could be identified. This follow-on report, What Does Success Mean? contains a number of examples of how people and organisations have successfully done things differently and suggests four guiding principles.

Many of the examples are well known but I hope that you will find some new ones.  As I say in the introduction to the report, new work practices are commonly viewed with scepticism and resisted, but some organisations are radically changing their work practices with significant results. 

The report is deliberately up beat and presents an ideal case. I expect that some people will contend with the examples and conclusions; “Are the examples really as good as they sound and in any case the real world just isn’t like that”. This may be provocative to some and we do welcome criticism and comment below.

- Kate Dodgson 


What Does Success Mean (PDF, 1.4 MB)