Molly Kinder

Molly Kinder is a RSA US Trustee.

Molly Kinder's research explores an equitable future of work and examines the impact of emerging technologies on low wage workers and women. Molly is an adjunct professor at Georgetown University's McCourt School of Public Policy, where she taught a new graduate seminar on the social, economic and policy implications of artificial intelligence. She is also a nonresident senior fellow at New America and lead author of the report, "Worker Voices: Technology and the Future for Workers."

Previously, Molly was a senior advisor and director of research with New America's Work, Workers and Technology program. Molly has more than 15 years of experience in innovation, policy, research, and impact investing. Previously, she was vice president of a $200 million social impact fund and served in the Obama administration as director in a new innovation program at USAID. She is co-author of the Center for Global Development's best-selling book, "Millions Saved: Proven Successes in Global Health." 

Twitter: @MollyKinder

Molly Kinder


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