Growing hubs

Design for Life Growing hubs

People can effect change by coming together. Design for Life supports the growth of societal hubs. The RSA works across organisations, communities, industries and regions to create new ways for them to achieve regenerative impact together.

How are we achieving this?

Cities of Learning

Connecting and catalysing place-based lifelong learning to unlock opportunities for a regenerative economy.

Creative corridors

Nurturing clusters of creative excellence through evidence-gathering and action, to grow the impact of the creative industries, and creativity in industry.

Regenerative business enquiry

Exploring and cultivating the capabilities required to ensure business aims and practices contribute towards a regenerative economy.

UK Urban Futures Commission

Unlocking the potential of UK cities, to drive economic, social and environmental improvements for people and for the country.

Watch an event about our hubs work

  • Design for Life: unlocking the potential of cities

    Fellowship events / Coffee House / Online

    The Coffee House (RSA House) and Online via Zoom

    Amy Gandon (Head of Policy and Participation) and Tom Stratton (Chief of Staff) will introduce the aims and activities of the RSA-led UK Urban Futures Commission, an ambitious enquiry to unlock the potential of the UK’s cities.

Related hubs content

Explore our other Design for Life areas of focus

  • Building capabilities

    Design for Life supports people to learn and lead. We're unlocking the confidence, capabilities and connections of children, learners and entrepreneurs of all ages.

  • Developing infrastructure

    Design for Life develops and influences infrastructure at a system-wide level that people, communities and organisations need to drive regenerative change.

Become an RSA Fellow

The RSA Fellowship is a unique global network of changemakers enabling people, places and the planet to flourish. We invite you to be part of this change.