Shaifali Puri

Shaifali Puri is a Trustee of the RSA and RSA US.

Shaifali Puri is currently a visiting scholar at New York University's journalism school, where she is researching how technology can be harnessed to benefit the developing world. She is a term member of the Council on Foreign Relations and on the Board of the New York City Economic Development Corporation. She was named in Crain's New York 40 Under-40 list and has written for publications including Fortune, The New York Times, Slate, and The World Policy Journal.

Previously, she was Executive Director for Global Innovation at the Nike Foundation. Her work with the Nike Foundation focused on the Girl Effect movement, which recognised the mission of empowering adolescent girls and their untapped potential. She helped to generate partnerships with both public and private sector players to move the needle on the eradication of global poverty. Prior to her role at the Nike Foundation, she was Executive Director of Scientists Without Borders between 2009 and 2013.


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