"... an artist is also a citizen."


  • Education

In a passionate, furious post Georgia Kotretsos blogs from Greece for Art21 | blog wonders what part, if any, art has to play in the current upheaval in her country:

In a passionate, furious post Georgia Kotretsos blogs from Greece for Art21 | blog wonders what part, if any, art has to play in the current upheaval in her country:

How could I ever link this intro to the art postings I’ll upload from Athens for you in the following days? Maybe I can’t and maybe I shouldn’t and for that I have to say this now. Art may echo this page of Greek contemporary history, but I’m not convinced it’s entirely necessary unless we’re willing to individually evaluate the role of art within the contemporary Greek society and further admit openly the kind of voice it has for each one of us, and then get on with our day. There is life after art and if artists are willing to react, or make a stand, they are not obliged to call it art – an artist is also a citizen. Sometimes we come closer to art outside the art world.

Photo by murplej@ne

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