Why does it always have to be Chas?


  • Education

This morning's Telegraph leads with the story of Prince Charles giving theĀ  warning that we have "less than 100 months to save the world".

This morning's Telegraph leads with the story of Prince Charles giving the  warning that we have "less than 100 months to save the world".

Wonder what sort of crisis would it take to get a mainstream politician to make a similarly unequivocal statement  - one which in the light of new data emerging now on an amost daily basis is, after all, hardly scientifically controversial?

As long as the public continues to doubt the climtate science, as IPSOS Mori polls show they do, politicians remain reluctant to call a stick a stick - though to move swiftly from one metaphor to another, it's unclear in this case which is the egg and which is the chicken.

In such circumstances, it's not surprising that the undemocratic medium of green custard will continue to be used.

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