BJ Fogg in the RSA's Journal


  • Education

I think that one of the good ways to begin to get a handle on what the RSA is and what it does is by having a look at the Journal. This summer's edition has just been published, and included an article by BJ Fogg (creator and coiner of the term "persuasive technology") and a shorter piece by me on how the RSA is looking at putting the ideas of design for behaviour change to use.

I think that one of the good ways to begin to get a handle on what the RSA is and what it does is by having a look at the Journal. This summer's edition has just been published, and included an article by BJ Fogg (creator and coiner of the term "persuasive technology") and a shorter piece by me on how the RSA is looking at putting the ideas of design for behaviour change to use.

Do have a look at them. BJ Fogg's piece is a good introduction to how technology can influence behaviour, the right steps to go through to design an effective intervention, and advocates the importance of a keeping a simple approach to behaviour change.

My piece highlights the rationale behind the RSA's interest in using technology to encourage behaviour change, and asks interested Fellows to get in touch if they would like to be involved in the project.

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