Living by Giving?


  • Education

There is a fascinating event coming up next week at the RSA called 'Living by Giving' (register here if you are interested). The event brings together two of the top organ donation experts in the country, Chris Rudge and Professor James Neuberger, with philosopher A.C. Grayling and the RSA's very own Matthew Taylor. The topic of discussion will be whether organ donation should be the default for UK citizens, and if so, upon what basis should we argue for such a sea-change? Are we all reciprocal altruists, who, expecting to be helped ourselves, should return the favour we implicitly expect from others? Or is altruism simply a moral good, so that organ donation should be promoted regardless of the expectation of reciprocation? Moreover, why don't people donate organs? Is it because they think organs might go to others who are undeserving such as alchoholics? Does altruism require us to give to others whatever their circumstances? Or are many people simply self-interested, 'free-riding' on other people's donations?

There is a fascinating event coming up next week at the RSA called 'Living by Giving' (register here if you are interested). The event brings together two of the top organ donation experts in the country, Chris Rudge and Professor James Neuberger, with philosopher A.C. Grayling and the RSA's very own Matthew Taylor. The topic of discussion will be whether organ donation should be the default for UK citizens, and if so, upon what basis should we argue for such a sea-change? Are we all reciprocal altruists, who, expecting to be helped ourselves, should return the favour we implicitly expect from others? Or is altruism simply a moral good, so that organ donation should be promoted regardless of the expectation of reciprocation? Moreover, why don't people donate organs? Is it because they think organs might go to others who are undeserving such as alchoholics? Does altruism require us to give to others whatever their circumstances? Or are many people simply self-interested, 'free-riding' on other people's donations?

All these questions and more will be discussed at the event...

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