The social curriculum - how who we are affects what we learn


  • Education
  • Curriculum


Social brain theory, which looks at insights from a range of disciplines that deal with human brain, mind and behaviour sciences, posits that our rationality is more emotionally driven, that we are more socially responsive, and that our decisions are made more unconsciously than simplistic models of rational, individualistic beings making rational decisions allow.

What are the impacts of these insights for how we think about the curriculum? Do we create and 'own' knowledge in our individual minds, or in the interactions between them? Are our achievements, excellence and success individually owned, or collectively?

Tomorrow, at a seminar being held at the RSA, we hope to bring together social brain experts with curriculum experts and those with insights to bring from epistemology, the study of digital collaboration, and research into dialogue in the classroom.

Watch this space for what we might collectively find.

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