Connected Communities: How social networks power and sustain the Big Society


  • Communities

Our tech guru at RSA towers once told me that blogging is a muscle which you have to exercise. If you just write one blog and expect it to set the world on fire you will be sorely disappointed.

Our tech guru at RSA towers once told me that blogging is a muscle which you have to exercise. If you just write one blog and expect it to set the world on fire you will be sorely disappointed.

The classic example of this would be to, unannounced, write a blog heralding the launch of a new report.

I would never do that.

However, the new report from the Connected Communities project is out and I would highly recommend it. You can read more about the work of the Connected Communities team here.

If you had to sum up the main idea of the report in one sentence it would be; social network analysis offers a powerful approach to community regeneration.

It has already gathered quite a bit of attention, in the Guardian and in the “trade press”. Our own esteemed leader has written about this already, but it’s nice to see something which has had a lot of hard work put into it getting results.

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