Here's looking at you, Kid


  • Design
  • Education

Click on this link to see a short video of our 3-day design workshop for people with spinal cord injuries. Yanki Lee, Pascal Anson and I  set ourselves the daunting task of explaining a useful amount of design in three days to people who’d not designed before.

Click on this link to see a short video of our 3-day design workshop for people with spinal cord injuries. Yanki Lee, Pascal Anson and I  set ourselves the daunting task of explaining a useful amount of design in three days to people who’d not designed before.

Arranged in the  categories of Observation, Analysis and Opportunity, our assignments  included photographing 100 examples of the same thing, devising a cocktail to represent another participant and translating a work of fiction into a restaurant concept.

We baffled the group several times, but we got there, and everyone designed quite a few things in the process. One participant told me the experience was like a film that you don’t understand until the end – then it all comes together.

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