Social Capital Innovation Network


  • Communities
  • Social innovation

The RSA is delighted to be convening a network for people interested in innovation in social capital. The launch event will be on 14th December at 6:30pm at the RSA, 8 John Adam Street, WC2N 6EZ

The RSA is delighted to be convening a network for people interested in innovation in social capital. The launch event will be on 14th December at 6:30pm at the RSA, 8 John Adam Street, WC2N 6EZ.

The aim of the network is to bring together people who are interested in relating ideas about social networks to community problems.

Following the success of Paul Omerod’s talk at the RSA on the power of network, lots of people have approached us saying that they are interested in the practicalities of applying network thinking to community problems. That’s why we are convening this network.

We hope that eventually the network will be self organising but we are going to support it at first. There will, inevitably, be an online space for people to continue discussions and collaborations between events.

The first event will be an informal occasion, with some short introductory remarks from RSA fellows Professor David Morris, Stephen Feber and an outline of how the Connected Communities programme is exploring practical ways to utilise network thinking in communities.

We hope the network will be a space for mutual learning and a spur for joint working. Spaces are limited and filling up fast, but if you are interested in coming please email [email protected]

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