The Albert Medal 2011


  • Picture of Benedict Dellot
    Benedict Dellot
    Former Head of the RSA Future Work Centre and Associate Director
  • Education

Nominations for this year’s Albert Medal are now open.

Nominations for this year’s Albert Medal are now open.

Starting in 1864 as a commemoration to Prince Albert, and originally awarded on the basis of 'distinguished merit in promoting Arts, Manufactures and Commerce', the Albert Medal has gradually evolved over the years to the point where it is now recognised as a means of identifying and rewarding those at the forefront of driving social innovation ‘in action’.

This year will be the 148th such Medal to be awarded, with past winners including the likes of Franklin Roosevelt, Mary Warnock, Tim Berners-Lee and, more recently, Zarine Kharas, well known for her work around the philanthropic ‘Just Giving’ website. Last year’s Medal was presented to Jeremy Deller, a visual artist whose personal philosophy was “making things happen, rather than making things”. And this pretty much epitomises the ethos of the award.

We’re looking for individuals who are forging ahead in their fields of work, creating pioneering new research, approaches and technologies which are helping to address some of society’s most pressing challenges, while at the same time making use of society’s most valuable assets. Building upon last year’s award, we want to see a diverse range of candidates put forward from a wide range of disciplines.

If you know of anybody who you think is worthy of this year’s Albert Medal, please post a comment below with your suggestion, and/or alternatively email me on [email protected]

A shortlist of nominees will be finalised in early June, and the winner then announced during the award ceremony later in the Autumn.

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