Connected Communities Needs YOU!


  • Picture of Gaia Marcus
    Gaia Marcus
    Former Senior Researcher, Connected Communities
  • Education
  • Communities

We are looking for a quite extraordinary candidate for our three year fully funded PhD scholarship on a project spanning the RSA and Manchester


It was commented to me recently that most job vacancies lie when they say that they need an 'exceptional candidate' for an 'incredibly exciting opportunity'. Now, I am sure that that which is exciting, much as with beauty, must lie in the eye, or passions, of the beholder. However, Connected Communities and the Institute for Social Change at the University of Manchester have cooked up what I regard to be a most spectacular opportunity.

We are looking for a quite extraordinary candidate for our three year fully funded PhD scholarship on a project spanning the RSA and Manchester. We are not too picky on background - if no historians were allowed, we'd lose most of the Connected Communities team - but we are looking for someone comfortable with social science, public policy and with the aptitude for picking up a plethora of number and data crunching applications.

For the party line, see below, and please do pass this on!

"The studentship would potentially appeal to a student with interest in social and policy-related research, keen to develop additional skills such as regression analysis, GIS, data visualisation, and/or social network analysis. Existing students at the Institute for Social Change and researchers at the RSA hail from a wide range of disciplines (Sociology, Political Science, History, Geography, Sociology, Psychology, Law). The student will be comfortable with numbers and willing to learn programs such as SPSS, ArcGIS, Geoda and UCInet."

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