RSA / Google Interactivism Challenge - 4 days remaining


  • Picture of Benedict Dellot
    Benedict Dellot
    Former Head of the RSA Future Work Centre and Associate Director
  • Enterprise

There are now only 4 days left to submit an idea for the Interactivism Challenge, led in partnership with Google, the RSA, FutureGov and Livity.

For those who haven’t heard of it, this is an ‘open-innovation’ competition aimed at crowdsourcing the best ideas for how digital tech can be used to help young people find the jobs, education or employment opportunities that are right for them.

In practice, this means we’re asking people of all ages and backgrounds to post their novel but practical ideas of websites, smartphone apps and other forms of digital tech onto our competition homepage. Once the deadline has passed, we’ll then be shortlisting the best ideas and inviting those behind them to an intense two-day ‘Hackathon’ event in February. Here, participants will be paired up with Google software engineers, social innovators, young people and various other guests to turn their idea into a working software prototype.

The Challenge is therefore a perfect opportunity for those who feel as if they have an inkling of a great idea, but perhaps not the technical nous and know-how to turn it into reality. If you think you’re one of these people, we’d urge you to get involved and submit your idea before the deadline at 5pm this Wednesday the 25th January.

You don’t have to worry about the technical side of your idea – just focus on what it will look like, what it will do and how it will support young people.

To get a sense of what the final Hackathon event will be like, the video below shows the results of our previous Interactivism Challenge.

Look forward to seeing your idea(s) on our homepage.

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