Nature Deficit Disorder

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  • Social brain

Alas, no time to blog in detail today, but very much wanted to share the idea of 'nature deficit disorder'. The national trust cites evidence revealing:

Alas, no time to blog in detail today, but very much wanted to share the idea of 'nature deficit disorder'. The national trust cites evidence revealing:

  • children learn more and behave better when lessons are conducted outdoors
  • symptoms of children diagnosed with ADHD improve when they are exposed to nature
  • children say their happiness depends more on having things to do outdoors more than owning technology.
  • For what it's worth, I broadly believe these claims. As corroborating evidence (just links really!...) there is a whole literature on 'green prescribing' and a while ago Jonah Lehrer, who will soon be speaking at the RSA, made a similar case in his article: Why the city hurts your brain.

    Nature deficit disorder...I love it! Come to think of it, I might even have it...


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    • I agree whole heartedly and oft wonder why we have created so many indoor jobs when for our own health and sanity we would do far better to be outdoors. Have you heard the hypothesis of Edward O Wilsons, who coined the term 'Biophilia'. I think he has provided some of the groundwork and scientific rigour to which NDD has followed.

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