Dreams do really come true


  • Fellowship

A long, long time ago, well it seems like it, I took on the role of Deputy Head of Regional Programme. For the uninitiated the Regional Programme supports Fellows develop their projects and connect them to other Fellows, organisations and institutions to achieve their aims and maximise their impact. We work closely with our colleagues the Specialist Programme team who develop tools such as RSA Catalyst. Over the coming months we will be looking at developing key areas; making sure core Regional Teams are in place, ensuring all UK Regions and Nations have a Development Plan, helping to implement their strategies, looking to improve how we ensure all our volunteers have a rewarding experience. For the past few months this has felt like a dream with Alice Dyke and me keeping the Regional Programme flame alive with support from a variety of colleagues and Fellows. This week though the dream becomes a reality and we welcome some new faces and help an existing one take on a new role. So let me now introduce you to the new Regional Programme Team:

Julia Davis joins us to support Fellows in the North East, Yorkshire and Humber. Julia previously managed the Museums, Libraries & Archives Renaissance programme developing strong learning initiatives for communities. Julia’s first task is to set up a York Network, where she lives, but is also keen to develop activity linked to arts, youth and social enterprise.

I am very much looking forward to working in a way which truly supports debates and open-minded thinking Julia Davis

Richard Pickford joins us from Endeavour Training where he helped challenge and inspire young people through a variety of programmes. Rich will be working across the Midlands regions with a strong focus on education and supporting engagement with the RSA Family of Academies four of which are based in the Midlands. Rich lives in Long Eaton, nr Nottingham.

Lou Matter has been with the RSA team for almost a year working closely with Catalyst, SkillsBank and Fellowship Council. From late September Lou returns to Bristol and joins the team supporting in South West and West. Lou is keen to revitalise an Arts Network for the RSA as well continue to support administration for RSA Catalyst.

Lastly, but certainly not least Alice Dyke has continued to work hard to support three big areas, South East, South Central and East of England. Alice previously worked with Parliament Education Service, working with MPs and Peers to engage young people with democracy and politics. Alice is keen to ensure the RSA can become better and support a generation of young entrepreneurs.

I like the fact the RSA is an ambitious and multidisciplinary organisation, and the Fellowship is a diverse and wonderful community, so I am constantly challenged and thinking and never ever bored Alice Dyke

Complementing this core group we also have Michael Ambjorn advising London for the next few months, Jamie Cooke working with Scotland and myself continuing to champion North West, Wales and from October, Ireland.

The priority now is to ensure our core Regional Teams are working together effectively and exploring ways to maximise their impact whilst continuing to refine our tools and techniques.

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