RSA Action and Research Centre is Launched


  • Enterprise
  • Drug & alcohol recovery

It's a big day in a big week for the RSA. Today we launch the RSA's Action and Research Centre which, as its name suggests, will bring together the RSA's practical innovations with our research and analysis.

To celebrate we're holding three major events today. In the morning a seminar to start the process of developing a 'whole person' approach to welfare to work much as we have done in the drug and alcohol recovery field. In the afternoon, a three hour workshop for fifty entrepreneurs under the age of thirty looking at the support they need to grow their businesses. And in the evening a high level panel debate on the prospects for the millennial generation.

We also have three publications out this week. My pamphlet Generation Enterprise is published today looking at the millennial generation's entrepreneurial spirit. Our Connected Communities team has a new study out looking at the opportunities social networks and healthcare provide to create enterprise in one of the most deprived parts of the UK. And the Enterprise team will be publishing a report on business in the so-called 'informal' sector with an eye-opening survey on how many firms got their start in the shadows.

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