The fortnight in Fellowship: in twelve tweets


  • Fellowship

Here at the RSA and across the 101 countries where we have Fellows there is always something interesting going on…

...and picking up on Dr Emma Lindley's post earlier today on the RSA Social Brain blog, where she quite rightly identifies that "[...] there’s also a world out there that doesn’t live itself out on Twitter."

So, I thought we'd break from the usual Fortnight in Fellowship formatting and facilitate a bit of cross-over.

"...there’s also a world out there that doesn’t live itself out on Twitter."

Here are my favourite tweets from the last two weeks tagged #theRSA and #FRSA from the last fortnight or so - feel free to use the 'favourite/RT' buttons if you're into that kind of thing - and if you're completely new to Twitter and want to get up to speed first, then see these helpful pages. Three quick points before we get into them:



  • If you want to help Fellows use social tools to find the information they need - why not share a tip on Twitter - please just tag them #FRSA - I'll collate them here by the end of the week and will post the best here.



  • Think you can do even more? Consider becoming an RSA Digital Champion



  • Want to engage more generally? See the Four Ways to Engage pages.


Basically, I know plenty of people who read this blog but don't use Twitter - and I hope that if I convert just one, we might help information around what is going on in Fellowship flow more quickly and help create new connections - and collaborations:

— Emma Lindley (@DrEmmaLindley) April 17, 2013

— Rich Pickford (@pickfordrich) April 17, 2013

— The RSA (@theRSAorg) April 16, 2013

— Gaia Marcus (@la_gaia) April 11, 2013

— The RSA (@theRSAorg) April 15, 2013

— Sarah Tucker (@SarahTucker10) April 16, 2013

— The RSA (@theRSAorg) April 15, 2013

— Ed Whitelaw (@EdWhitelaw) April 12, 2013

— Robin Tuddenham (@robintuddenham) April 12, 2013

— The RSA (@theRSAorg) March 12, 2013

— Martin Gilbraith (@martingilbraith) April 6, 2013

— Joanna Massie (@Joannacmassie) April 5, 2013

Looking for more? Search #theRSA and #FRSA on Twitter, Storify, Flickr etc.

Michael Ambjorn is Head of Fellowship – Follow @michaelambjorn

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