Mindfulness as a Sustainable Approach to Change


  • Picture of Jack Robson
    Senior Business Development and Partnerships Manager
  • Drug & alcohol recovery

In the effort to make any sort of lasting behavioural change in life – wanting to eat more healthily, do more exercise, get more sleep, socialise with greater ease and success or having a more accepting and positive attitude towards ourselves - it is essential to identify and develop resources to help prevent oneself from slipping back into limiting or negative thought/behavioural patterns. Within the recovery model, militating against such ‘back-sliding’ is commonly known as relapse prevention; the ability to recognise when we are likely to return to negative behaviour patterns and to take appropriate action(s) to avoid this occurring.

In our busy lives, it’s all too easy to lose sight of the present moment and the unique and complete qualities of appreciation it offers to us, breath by breath, moment by moment. By constantly focussing on achieving in the future, and forgetting the importance of right now we overlook the most important experience available to us – being present in the present!  How many of us actually take time to be aware of the moment?

There are numerous models available that illustrate mindfulness and mindful behaviours; one we feel is particularly accessible and straightforward has been devised by nef, (New Economics Foundation) called the ‘five ways to wellbeing’. Not surprisingly, it encompasses five simple principles:

  • Connect
  • Be active
  • Take notice
  • Keep learning
  • Give
  • It’s funny that we have to put a name to this kind of awareness to encourage people to take time and space to appreciate what’s really going on in their life, their communities and the environment.

    Dr Paramabandhu Groves is an expert on Mindfulness and wellbeing, an NHS consultant and an associate of the London Buddhist Centre. Dr Groves has kindly agreed to visit the Whole Person Recovery Programme (WPR) in Gravesend. As a specialist in addiction therapy, this talk will be very useful for WPR programme participants, their families/carers and professionals involved in the sector too. All of the principles of mindfulness and ‘five ways to wellbeing’ resonate with anyone seeking to improve their quality of life. If you want an opportunity to hear and learn more about mindfulness then please come to our free event – 18.00hrs / Wednesday 26th June at the Ruckland Rooms in Gravesend.

    Everyone is welcome, but please follow this link to book your place.

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