Regions & Nations Annual Conferences


  • Community engagement
  • Fellowship

Firstly, have you missed me?  Foolish question I know but I have been very lax in my commitment to the Fellowship blog.  No doubt you are all dying to know what the regional team have been up to over the past few months.  One of our key tasks since June has been supporting regions and nations host their annual conferences.  The team have been working and supporting Chairs, Councillors and Fellows on these events.

Vikki Heywood

Regional and Nations Annual Conferences aim to provide:

  • report on previous activity and planned future activity in relation to the regional Development Plan
  • showcase projects including local projects, RSA ARC programme and those funded by Catalyst or the  region
  • introduce current regional core team and other active members
  • opportunities for Fellows to suggest projects, potential partnerships and activities
  • opportunities for Fellows to join the regional team
  • regional accounts are up to date and transparent
  • opportunities for Fellows to network and connect with each


It's been so useful to hear the mission from the Chairman personally and the commitment of RSA across the UK Lilian Barton, Chair North West

For 2013  Vikki Heywood CBE, RSA Chairman along with RSA Trustees made a commitment to visit all 14 UK regions and nations with an aim to discuss the mission and activities plus hear views from Fellows.

With the final event for 2013 taking place this Thurs (28 Nov in Cardiff, Wales) its been a busy period for all but we are already exploring ideas for 2014.  Suggestions include looking to partner further with Universities and Colleges, considering joint conferences between areas and ways to increase RSA ARC research into the content and keynote lectures.

For the latest activity for your area please take a look at the where you are pages on the website. Here you will find a list of activity as well as contact details for active Fellows in your region.

Vivs Long-Ferguson

Regional Programme

twitter @vivslf

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