EarthTalks: let's keep climate change on the agenda


  • Picture of Greta Rossi FRSA
    Greta Rossi FRSA
  • Climate change
  • Fellowship

This week’s announcement that carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere have topped 400 parts per million, is a significant and troubling milestone for climate change. This is yet another sign of the larger crisis of consciousness we face together.

In September last year, thousands of people took to the streets  in over 100 countries across the world to demand more serious action on climate change. An important step in making this happen is identifying the need to bring people together and start dialogues to help make sense of the complex issues involved, and inspire action on behalf of the earth.

A recent RSA report highlighting seven key dimensions of climate change, also emphasised a need to break 'climate silence' and normalise discussions on the issue. It is with these intentions that Ākāśa Innovation has partnered with Neongreen Network  to bring the EARTHtalks to London. 

What are the EARTHtalks?

The EARTHtalks are an information and networking initiative born out of civil society in Vienna back in 2008. Each year, the event brings together NGOs, social entrepreneurs, public institutions and interested citizens and engages them in dialogue with national and international guest-speakers from the scientific community, environmental NGOs, politicians and civil society. 

Over the past seven years, the EARTHtalks have grown to become the environmental event in Austria with over 700 guests, hosting speakers such as Vandana Shiva, Bianca Jagger and Polly Higgins. If you are curious to know more about it, take a look at the Best of 7 years of EARTHtalks trailer video.

What is the EARTHtalks Connect: London?

EARTHtalks Connect: London is the first step towards a new idea for climate-friendly climate conferences. The event in Vienna will be live streamed for an audience in London. We will hear from Dr. Robert Bullard, professor, author, activist and the father of environmental justice and Sarah Wiener, TV cook and activist for “Save our Soils”. We will also host a special live keynote in London with Mac Macartney public speaker, author and founder of Embercombe. We will close the talks with an organic buffet reception. 

Join us

The EARTHtalks Connect: London event will take place on 28th May 2015 at Impact Hub Westminster kicking off at 6:00pm BST though registration opens at 5:30pm. You can purchase your ticket here.

Or, why not join our teams of volunteers as a space facilitator, buffet host, photographer, film-maker or graphic recorder? Please visit Here To Islington to find out all about the various opportunities and the unique perks they offer.

We hope you will join us for an inspiring evening.

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