Pilot: Creativity and Innovation Link Governors

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  • Picture of Tom Gilliford
    Tom Gilliford
    Former Project Engagement Manager
  • Education
  • Creativity

Creativity and innovation are vital to schools. Schools which create an environment for creative thought and innovative ideas to flourish are not only better able to deal with challenges but also prepare their students for the job market of the future.

The RSA’s research into the conditions necessary for creativity and innovation highlights the importance of leaders who model creative behaviours themselves. In institutions where this happens teachers, learners and others will also feel creatively empowered.

Working with Fran Plowright FRSA, RSA Innovative Education has developed the idea of a “Creativity and Innovation Link governor”. Like other link governors, this person holds the school to account for, and provides support in, a specific area. We believe that if a school discusses creativity and innovation at this strategic level then they will flourish.

We are looking for schools and governing bodies interested in taking part in a 12-month pilot programme which tests our hypothesis. You can check out the programme and register your interest below. 

The creativity and innovation link governor pilot

Hypothesis: By creating a link governor position aimed at holding a school to account for innovation and creativity staff within the school will feel more creatively empowered and will feel that creativity and innovation are important to the school.


  1. Register your interest with the RSA and download the pilot pack.

  1. Create the position of creativity and innovation link governor with the understanding that this is a temporary 12-month position.

  2. Send the creativity and innovation survey out to all staff in your school within 3 months of creating the position.

  3. Use the survey results to decide on 3 actions or interventions you will take to improve the innovation and creative potential of the school and let the RSA know what you decide.

  4. Implement your interventions or actions within your 12 month trial period.

  5. At the end of the 12-month period re-send the creativity and innovation survey to all staff in your school and use this to evaluate the impact of your interventions or actions.

  6. Meet as a governing body to decide if the Creative link governor role will be continued.

  7. Feedback your findings and decision to the RSA

If you are interested in being part of this pilot simply enter you email address into the form below and we will be in touch to get you started. All the materials you need for the pilot can be downloaded by clicking here.

This pilot is now closed but keep checking the website for more opportunities to engage.


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  • I'm a governor of a primary school in Brighton, and have consulted the Head and Chair of Governors about this and they're keen to be part of the pilot. I have registered my interest.

