Pilot: Parents' Evening. Redesigned.


  • Picture of Tom Gilliford
    Tom Gilliford
    Former Project Engagement Manager
  • Creativity

Over the last 12 weeks the RSA and our partners the Teachers Guild have been working with teachers from across the globe to redesign parent-teacher relationships. We believe that when home and school are working well together, a child’s education is better. Unfortunately, all too often when home and school come together it’s a moment of fear, frustration and failure, we wanted to change this and challenged the world teachers to find us a solution.

The teachers of the world certainly rose to our challenge and we were overwhelmed with amazing ideas. Teams of classroom teachers, mentors and coaches all came up with innovative solutions to the problems we identified throughout our discover phase. Although we’d love to take them all forward, the 10 ideas outlined below stood out as particularly creative and exciting. These favourites are now ready to be trialled and tested on a wider scale, which is where you come in!

Whether you are a teacher, student, parent, school governor or trustee, we are looking for innovative people who share our belief about the importance of the home/school relationship to get in touch.

We’d love to test one of these ideas in your school.

If you are interested in finding out more about how you and your school can get involved, fill out the short form below and we’ll be in touch to get the ball rolling.


Our 10 Favourites:

Learning is a journey, not an end point. Seeing it this way, with all the roadblocks, pitfalls and challenges, along with all the connections and perspectives, gives us a full and rich picture. 

Showcase: Ideas, Innovation and Inspiration


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