Join the RSA Fellows' Forum

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  • Picture of Paul Vittles FRSA
    Paul Vittles FRSA
  • Digital
  • Fellowship

Did you know that a new Fellows' Forum has been set up online to help Fellows connect, network, discover, share, create, engage, facilitate change, act, make a difference?

  1. Yes, I've already joined.
  2. Yes, but I've not joined yet, I'm thinking about it. Why should I join?
  3. Yes, but I'm not going to join
  4. No, how do I join?
  5. No, and I don't want to join, not my thing.
  6. No, and although I am active online, I don't think I'll bother with this one.
  7. Not yet another RSA Forum, we've been through this before, we have other Forums, aaaaaarrrrrgh!

Here's a segmented guide depending on which answer applies in your case:

Answer 1: Yes, I've already joined
Thank you. I hope you're enjoying it. Please give the Facilitation Team feedback so we can improve it. Please post some more - start your own topics, post on others' topics, connect with other Fellows, encourage other Fellows to connect and engage. Please let the Facilitation Team know if there is anything stopping you from posting so we can address it.

Answer 2: Yes, but I've not joined yet, I'm thinking about it. Why should I join? 

There have been other online Forums in the past but this one is new because it has been set up by Fellows themselves, is actively supported by the Fellowship Council (with necessary support from RSA staff) but led by the Fellows as a self-organising group of volunteers. RSA staff support includes sending out invitations to join but all the facilitation is by Fellows themselves.

That is really just context though. The real answer to 'why should I join?' is "to help Fellows connect, network, discover, share, create, engage, facilitate change, act, make a difference". In other words, to do what most of us became Fellows to do. Many Fellows have said "when I became a Fellow, my primary need and expectation was to be able to connect with other Fellows of like mind (or a different, challenging mind, with shared values)". The online Fellows' Forum is designed to facilitate this.

A pilot group of almost 500 Fellows are already registered, from all over the world. It is a Fellows-only space, not public and has so far proven to be a safe, supportive environment, although RSA Fellows by their nature can be challenging in their ideas and exchanges. The Forum intends to have few 'rules' to maximise the flow of communication. Thus far, there are really just two key protocols - be respectful at all times (and never personal) and do not publish any content from the Forum elsewhere without the express permission of the author/originator.

If you do decide to join, go to Answer 4. below.

Answer 3: Yes, but I'm not going to join.

Glad you've heard about it. No problem if you don't want to join. Your call. And no problem if you choose to join at some future point in time. We hope the Forum has longevity.

If you change your mind, the details for joining are given at Answer 4. below.

Answer 4: No, how do I join?

Easy. Just follow the link below. Have your Fellowship Number ready. That's all you need. Join, and you're in.

Answer 5: No, and I don't want to join, not my thing
No problem if you don't want to join. Your call. And no problem if you choose to join at some future point in time. We hope the Forum has longevity.

If you do decide to try it, the details for joining are at Answer 4. above.

Answer 6: No, and although I am active online, I don't think I'll bother with this one
No problem if you don't want to join. Your call. And no problem if you choose to join at some future point in time. We hope that you will dip in at some point to see if it is a useful way to help Fellows like yourself connect, network, discover, share, create, engage, facilitate change, act, make a difference.

If, on reflection, you do decide to join, go to Answer 4. above.

Answer 7: Not yet another RSA Forum, we've been through this before, we have other Forums, aaaaaarrrrgh!
Yes, those of us who have put in many volunteer hours to set up this new Forum know how frustrating it is. We are frustrated too. We have had many other past attempts at creating and sustaining an online Forum or online community for RSA Fellows. We have tried many different platforms.

We also have the RSA LinkedIn Group with 3,700 members in it which you can still use. We just thought that the LinkedIn Group was limiting and not engaging enough.

If you want to join, go to Answer 4. above.

And finally...let's give thanks to those who have made this happen
There are a number of Fellows who have committed huge time and energy to this R&D project. Fellowship Council Member Judy Rees has led from the front, the side and the back, as required by the situation. Fellowship Council Chair, Rod Hyde, has given it unwavering positive support.

Philip Bryan has been a rock throughout, an active poster and facilitator, and a continuous stream of practical, technical support. David Wilcox has driven activity, summarised activity and recovered relevant history with tremendous expertise, kept searching for ways to connect Fellows together, and facilitated a process of using other digital tools to map out how we have connected. Check out the interactive map that David has given us in collaboration with Drew Mackie.

Chris McLean, Lucy Griffiths, Harold Raitt, Alison Edmonds, Lorena Hodgson, Pilar Orti, Margaret Inman, Peter Cuttriss, and Peter Clitheroe have all made significant contributions. My apologies to anyone else I have not named here who has played their part.


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  • Thanks for this, I've signed up for this forum.  I can't however find any sign of the 3700 strong RSA Linkedin group, can someone please point me in right direction ?  Thank you !

  • Answer 8: No, the sign-up is too difficult because it asks me for information that I have no idea where I can retrieve it (e.g. Fellowship number). Why is it, that if I am logged in n this site, I can't automatically be logged in on the Fellowship Forum site?

  • As a newbie Fellow I'm interested to know why the RSA struggles to define and implement a single online collaborative platform that unites rather than fragments its membership. I know it's not easy but with the talent at our disposal, it's certainly achievable and I humbly suggest to Management, Trustees and Fellowship Council, a priority. Given my frustrations with the status quo, this is a project I am more than willing to work on! PS I have signed-up for the Forum....

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