What we're reading at RSA Global


  • Design
  • Economics and Finance
  • Education
  • Public services
  • Global

Have a look at the selection of articles the RSA Global Team have been reading over the past month! They include articles on inequality, how to combat fake news, a look back at 2017 and what's ahead in 2018.


Imagine a school run by a Magician! Have a look at this article which details how a Japanese Magician is turning school into project based summer camps.

This OECD recently released a book entitled “Education Opportunity for all - Overcoming Inequality throughout the life course.” It analyses however countries are “advancing in providing equitable lifelong learning opportunities for individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds.”

The OECD Economic Department also recently published a working paper on Raising and mobilizing skills in Belgium. The paper examines skills policies and their capacity to help improve productivity and inclusiveness.



More than just an economic giant, China is also poised to be digital giant as well. This Project Syndicate article outlines China’s strategic plans in being a global digital power.

Luis Alberto Moreno, President of the Inter – American Development Bank (IADB) explores the role of technology in anti - corruption initiatives in Latin America and the Caribbean in this article from the World Economic Forum.

The World Inequality Lab just released its World Inequality Report 2018 which presents findings on inequality dynamics in emerging and developing countries including China, Brazil, South Africa and the Middle East.


Public Services

This Harvard Kennedy School Forum explores the concept of cities as innovation labs and how it can be replicated to the rest of the country. The panel at the HKS forum included mayors of three American cities namely —Sly James of Kansas City, Missouri, Sharon Weston Broome of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and Peter Buttigieg of South Bend, Indiana.

“Fake News” is the buzzword for 2017 and this Brookings report examines how we can combat disinformation given our challenging media landscape.

This opinion piece from the Institute of Development Studies outlines the complicated landscape involved when examining food and trade and the public interest in light of the UK’s imminent exit from the European Union.


Design and Innovation

Have a look at the new report from the ESADE Business School entitled ‘Labs for Social Innovation’ provides a review and analysis of the growth of the international lab movement, posing four key questions:

  • What are the most effective practices and methods employed by social innovation labs to instigate social change?
  • What critical assets, capacities, and infrastructures are necessary to guarantee the value and sustainability of labs?
  • How can social innovation labs meaningfully engage all the stakeholders, particularly the government and public at large?
  • Why a lab? Are laboratories the most appropriate settings or metaphor for bringing about social innovation?


The Year in Review

The Council on Foreign Relations gives a review of the top ten significant world events over the past year. Have a look at the ranking here and see if it includes events on your list.

The World Bank explores the past year in 12 charts which illustrates the highs – the transformative power of renewable power and lows – historic levels of carbon emissions. For more see the article here.


The world according to Brexit

According to this Foreign Affairs Magazine article although UK Prime Minister Theresa May has survived till the close of 2017, the Brexit rubber is about to hit the reality road.

Stefaan de Rynck, Senior Advisor to the EU Chief Negotiator, gives us an inside look into the ongoing Brexit negotiations during a recent Chatham House event. Have a look at the video found here.


2018 - What comes next?

Our expert colleagues from the Council on Foreign Relations have visualized their top picks for 2018. Have a look at the list they collated of the top ten global data points that show where we are headed in 2018. See what made the cut here

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