Zooming to Success


  • Picture of Mic Starbuck
    Mic Starbuck
  • Fellowship
  • Fellowship in Action
  • Social mobility
  • Technology

The Fellow-led Wellbeing Network have been experimenting with a free version of Zoom, a video conferencing platform to link Fellows and Friends.

The Fellow-led Wellbeing Network have been experimenting with a free version of Zoom, a video conferencing platform to link Fellows and Friends. Mixed social and thematic meetings for virtual and real participants have been successfully trialled. It is part of a global RSA Fellows Forum, which has a Fellows Zoom facility for larger events and administration and a hub.

It has great potential for outreach to our more remote geographically, socially and economically isolated Fellows, extending support to our new network groups out with the major conurbations and even nurturing online only groups with common interests. We have already tried a meeting to improve engagement and participation in our local governance.

We are now looking to engage with Fellows, Family and Friends who are also in danger of isolation due to ill health and acting as carers, to improve their personal wellbeing.


Please contact Mic Starbuck (Facilitator) to join this exciting new project or to find out more.

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