Where should we go on the Food, Farming and Countryside Bike Tour?


  • Picture of Lynne Davies
    Lynne Davies
  • Environment
  • Fellowship

In early spring the Food, Farming and Countryside Commission will be setting off on a bike tour of England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales, to rural villages, farms and communities across the country. And we’d love your help and support.

A Commission on Food, Farming and the Countryside has a limited perspective from an office in London. The true nature of our countryside is drowned out by the urban hustle and lost in the glow of a computer screen. So the RSA Food, Farming and Countryside Commission is going on the road. We’re setting out to tour England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales on a bicycle. We’re visiting a few cities en route but the focus of our journey is to reach rural villages, farms and communities around the country.

Our mission is to collect stories – the real stories. We want to see what makes communities special. We want to know what isn’t working and why rural life can be hard. We want to highlight the rich tapestry of our countryside and celebrate the innovative in the everyday.  We want to understand the reality of food and farming in the countryside.

The Food, Farming and Countryside Commission is no regular commission. And our bike tour reflects that. No convoy or support vehicle. We’ll be one or two people, out on the road. No hotels or fancy meals. We are hoping to be hosted along each leg, and share meals in homes around the country.

So we are reaching out to you, Fellows, for support. If you’d like us to visit your area please get in touch and let us know why. If you can support the tour by hosting our cyclists or showing us around we’d love to hear from you. Please fill in the following form and let us know how you can be involved.

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