How can charities rebuild public trust?


Following recent controversies in the charity sector, Matthew Taylor hosts a live discussion asking where charities can go from here.

What are charities for? How do they work? How much of an impact do they really have?

The RSA’s chief executive, Matthew Taylor, has been exploring those questions in a new 3-part series for BBC Radio 4, ‘The Charity Business’.

Immediately following the broadcast of the final episode, the RSA will be hosting a live discussion via Facebook Live on the issue of trust – have charities lost it? And if so, how can they regain the public’s confidence?


Joining Matthew will be an expert panel:

  • Karl Wilding, Director of Public Policy and Volunteering, NCVO (National Council For Voluntary Organisations)

  • Jill Halford, Director at PwC, and board member at ACEVO (Association of Chief Executives of Voluntary Organisations)

  • Louise Armstrong, part of the Civil Society Futures independent inquiry team

And crucially, we need your comments and questions. This is a live debate - so do take part!


Join us from 11.30am on Friday 23rd March on Facebook Live, and leave your comments below to be included in the live broadcast.



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