What we're reading at RSA Global


  • Economics and Finance
  • Education
  • Public Services & Communities
  • Global

Have a look at some interesting articles the RSA Global Team have been reading over the month of June! This month the articles cover a range of topics such as best practice in early childhood education, care work vs care jobs and agricultural policies from around the world to name a few.



The Aspen Institute report published earlier this year entitled - The Practice Base For How We Learn: Supporting Students’ Social, Emotional, and Academic Development examines how the role of the teacher as well as the school environment need to support the social, emotional, and academic dimensions of learning to maximize the outcomes of all students.

This recently published report from New America, a US based think tank, examines the Lessons learnt on Strengthening early childhood education from three communities based in California.

How does physical and mental health affect student learning? Listen to this episode of the Topclass podcast which brings together OECD researchers to discuss key issues facing educators globally.



During the month of June, the Atlantic posted a series of articles which highlighted how the gig economy is shaping the future of labour in the US. The first article featured the profile of a gig worker; the second was about the unequal geography of the gig economy and the final article illustrated how immigrants have been fuelling the gig economy.

This Brookings blog entitled the Four cures for automation anxiety seeks to move beyond the robot panic of the zeitgeist into offering ways in which governments and policy makers can address it through policy initiatives such as Lifelong training.

Earlier this week, the International Labour Organization released a report - Care work and care jobs : For the future of decent work which focuses on “the persistent gender inequalities in households and the labour market, which are inextricably linked with care work.”

A recent Chatham House report examines the challenges that policy makers face in the continuing application of artificial intelligence. It assesses the impact of these AI challenges on various aspects of  international affairs i.e. economy, human security and defence.  The report advocates strongly for ethical norms. For more on the report and its recommendations, please visit this link.


Public Services

From Wall Street to Main Street - this Next City article focuses on a growing movement by community foundations to promote inclusive wealth i.e. how to retain wealth and opportunity within a locality.

The OECD recently launched its report which monitors and evaluates agricultural policies across its members states and also 6 non – OECD EU member states and other emerging economies such as Costa Rica, Brazil, South Africa and Vietnam to name a few. Find out more about the OECD Agricultural Monitoring and Evaluation 2018 report at this link.

With more than half of the world’s population living in cities the Brookings flagship report – Global Metro Monitor 2018 examines the rate economic growth in some of the world’s largest cities, the level of economic disparity between global cities and within their surrounding regions.



Which world are we living in ? The current issue of the Foreign Affairs magazine explores this question as we grapple with unprecedented challenges both from without and within. In this issue, experts view the world through varying lens :- liberal world, tech world, warming world and realist world.

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