London FRSA organises Full Moon: A Night of Poetry and Science


  • Picture of Daniel Powell FRSA
    Daniel Powell FRSA
  • Creativity
  • Arts and society
  • Fellowship
  • Fellowship in Action

Join top British poets and scientists at an event organised by Daniel Powell FRSA in November.

Some of Britain's most distinguished poets and prominent scientists are to take the stage together on 6th December 2018 at The Shaw Theatre in King's Cross, London.

Poet Laureate Carol Ann Duffy, IVF pioneer and broadcaster Lord Robert Winston, Oxford Professor of Poetry Simon Armitage, Sky At Night presenter Maggie Aderin-Pocock, Queen's Gold Medallist, John Agard, physicist Jim Al-Khalili, BBC Radio Four poet in residence Daljit Nagra, biologist Alice Roberts, and many more will take part in this one-off event where poetry and science will share a stage, packed with readings and talks.

Organiser and Director of Poetry Live and Science Live, Daniel Powell FRSA, said:

"I think this will be a sparkling night, where the audience will hear the poetry of science and see how the scientific entreprise opens up realms of poetry. I think It is a chance to see how much poetry and science share. They are both beautiful, creative disciplines; both rely on rigorous and precise thinking and on the accuracy of language. Poetry and science both seek to push at the boundaries of how we understand the world.

"Poetry Live and Science Live have been uniquely privileged to have such colossal talents taking part in our student events for the last twenty years - they have inspired hundreds of thousands of young people and so have contributed to keeping these the great disciplines of poetry and science (at which Britain really excels) thriving today.

"We will be giving all proceeds to MacMillan Cancer Support, who did so much to help the founder of these events, Simon Powell."

The starts at 7pm on 6th Dcecember 2018 at The Shaw Theatre, King's Cross, London. Tickets are £12 and can be purchased by visiting


The full line up:

The Poet Laureate Carol Ann Duffy, who will read from her brand new collection, Sincerity

IVF pioneer, eminent science broadcaster and author, Lord Robert Winston

Simon Armitage, Oxford Professor of Poetry and author of The Unaccompanied

Physicist, author, braodcaster, presenter of BBC Radio Four's The LIfe Scientific, Professor Jim Al-Khalili

John Agard, recipient of the Queen's Gold Medal for Poetry and author of Half Caste and Clever Backbone (inspired by Darwin's theory of evolution)

Anatomist, author, broadcaster, and this year's Royal Institution Christmas Lecturer, Professor Alice Roberts

Gillian Clarke, former National Poet for Wales, recipient of the Queen's Gold Medal for Poetry, and author of Zoology

Space scientist and presenter of the BBC's iconic astronomy programme, The Sky At NightDr Maggie Aderin-Pocock

Daljit Nagra, winner of the Forward Best First Collection and poet-in-residence at BBC Radio Four

Geneticist, author, broadcaster, BBC Reith Lecturer, Professor Steve Jones

Imtiaz Dharker, poet, artist, film-maker, recipient of the Queen's Gold Medal. 

UCL chemist, winner of the Michael Faraday Prize, Professor Andrea Sella

Grace Nichols award-winning poet and novelist 

Nuclear fusion expert, lecturer at the Royal Institution, Dr Kate Lancaster

Computer scientist, inventor, broadcaster Professor Dave Cliff Professor Dave Cliff


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