Want to engage more with the RSA but only have 5 minutes?


  • Picture of Claire Doran
    Claire Doran
  • Fellowship
  • Fellowship in Action

Wanting to engage more with the RSA? The single most helpful action you can take is filling out or updating your MyRSA profile with your skills, interests, and availability for connecting. Learn more about how your sharing helps us weave connections, support innovative projects, and bring expertise to research projects.

Whether you’re a recently joined Fellow exploring engagement or a Life Fellow on a journey of supporting the RSA’s charitable mission, finding ways to engage that match your skills, interests and availability can be overwhelming with choice. 

Our collaborative community has space for all forms of engagement.  All Fellows show their support of the RSA through their charitable subscriptions which help us deliver all strands of our work.  Many participate in the exchange of ideas by keeping up to date with our activities - whether by reading our journal, following the progress of our research projects, or attending public events online or at RSA House.  Some action-oriented Fellows choose to collaboratively lead and drive impact on our change aims through projectsone-off events, or thematic and place-based Networks.  Each form of engagement is a crucial contribution towards our collective aim of social change. 

No matter where you may fall in our ecosystem of engagement, there is one guaranteed way to enhance your connection to the wider Fellowship and our work – by filling in your MyRSA Profile. 

I don’t usually log in to MyRSA.  Does it really make that much of a difference? 

At its essence, MyRSA is a searchable database.  Okay, it may not make for pleasurable browsing like the journal and RSA Animates videos, but its beauty lies in its utility.  It enables you to share information with other Fellows and RSA Staff about how you’d invite us to engage with you. 

Think of the MyRSA profile as your self-introduction; it’s an opportunity to share your skills, interest and availability for connecting.  This helps us to know who the Fellows are in any given area and fill in the larger picture of our Fellowship ecosystem.   

Using the MyRSA database, Fellows and staff can discover you through searches to facilitate introductions, weave networks, locate specialised support and expertise for innovative projects, and engage your expertise on relevant research projects.  

Searchable serendipity 

Across the RSA, staff regularly refer to MyRSA profiles in all streams of our work.  Our Engagement Team uses details from MyRSA profiles to target invitations to feedback sessions on the RSA’s research projects. For example, we invited Fellows involved in Early Years Education to a small online workshop to share their experience and expertise with an RSA researcher as part of the development of a project proposal. Our Fellowship Development team identifies Fellows with completed profiles for the “Featured Fellows” sections in the Fellowship newsletters and journal. 

For Fellows seeking to connect locally, being able to search by location has helped to identifying collaborators to initiate a local RSA Meetup.  Networks also use keyword searches to identify Fellows to speak on panels at themed events.   

When a large part of our database is empty or out of date, making these targeted invitations to engage in potentially impactful ways is much harder. Even if you only log in once to fill out your profile, that gives our community a basic foundation for our community to engage you better in Fellowship activity! 

Update your MyRSA profile in 5 minutes or less 

If you’re looking for the easiest and most impactful way to shift your engagement with the RSA and our Fellowship community, take five minutes to update your MyRSA profile.  We’ve put together some helpful tips for connecting online and filling out your profile to help. 

We look forward to learning more about you and how you’d like to contribute to social change. 

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