Times a thousand

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I'm rushed off my feet so I apologise for this shorter than usual entry. I will try and get another post up early next week hopefully.

Thanks to Amy and Karl for their gracious comments about last week's post.

The lack of triumphalism from (most) Derby fans means I already hope they stay up next season.

It's been another exciting week at the RSA with highlights including an excellent lecture by Amitai Etzioni on Monday, a fantastic two day conference on India at the end of the week and a really exciting new list of Fellows which arrived in my inbox today.

But my own highlight was a trip to Durham to meet the Regional Committee and activists of North East RSA.

I have to admit the group endeared themselves to me first by being enthusiastic about my talk. It turns out that my vision of the RSA Fellowship as a network of activists working to further our shared values through local, professional, issue-based initiatives is exactly what many in the region have already started doing.

For example, the group that meets every month in Durham has persuaded local doctors that their new health centre should be an eco-building. More than that, they took the doctor off for a day to meet experts in sustainable building so he could see exactly how to do it.

The group has lots of other ideas but they need support – and that's exactly where the broader Fellowship comes in.

I will say more in due course of our big ideas for a new more active, engaged, connected Fellowship but imagine what they are doing in Durham times a thousand and you'll get some idea.

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  • Throw away your crutches and surf!

  • Matthew

    I am here in the garden with the VCH group - Justin on line, plus Paddy and Claire, all whom you met in Durham, and Don and Philip who we told you about.

    We think Claire, Don and Justin in particular may have practical help to offer (viz: your Front Page ). Hopefully Justin can fill you in on this in due course...unless you had time to correspond direct (see e mail previously).

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