Fellowship this week


Going greener

RSA Hospitality is very much run on environmental and sustainable principles. To give but one example; our tablecloths are not cotton, but a material which looks and feels like cotton to maintain our high standards, but which is washed at a much lower temperature, thereby saving energy on the laundry.

The offices that I inhabit upstairs have not always had such an organised approach, which is something we've decided to really get to grips with. A couple of colleagues and I met with the lovely people at Global Action Plan who offer free environmental audits for small and medium businesses. Now I'm itching for the report to arrive so we can get stuck in.

Lucky numbers

According to the whiteboard on the other side of the room, we now have a grand total of 26,921 Fellows. Which means only another 79 to make it to the milestone of 27,000. It's exciting to think about the influence this resource of collective expertise and enthusiasm will have (and we've been promised cake to celebrate).

We've also recently linked up with Teach First - a charity that encourages top graduates to enter teaching - in order to recruit more Fellows, and applications from that relationship have just started to trickle through.

Until next time...

Information on how to join the RSA Fellowship, and how to nominate others here.

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